Getting to the Core of the Core

Posted by Violeta Castaneda on

What are the first 3 words that come to your mind when you look at yourself in the mirror? Does "sexy", "fit", "strong" come to mind? Many of us want the perfect figure, we want to simply love what we see on the other side of the mirror. It comes down to one thing: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?

Elyse Miller, explains it better- " I think it’s fair to say, we all want sexy abs, a svelte waist, a strong core. We crunch, twist and sit up until our bellies burn and beg us to stop. People crash diet, drink slimming concoctions and try gimmicky pieces of equipment that promise to give you the 6-pack of your dreams."

The founder of FitElyse, sports and fitness model helped us put together an excellent work out session that will take your daily routine to the next level! As a Fitness video creator and host of Daily Double, Fit in 15 and Fit Mommies, she says- "Let's face it, the core is a hot topic and we all wants ours to be even hotter. But did you know that a tight belly has a lot more value than just looking good? Your mid-section is just that... it’s your middle point, your core, your roots. You need to have a strong center in order to carry the rest of your body with strength & confidence."

Being a mom and wife, she has found the perfect balance between her daily activities, a precious family and fitness life. She believes that weak abs often result in a weak back which leads to weak hamstrings. "This can cause back problems and frequent muscle pulls. A tight stomach means a strong back and a firm foundation. Toning your core is like taking your car for in for a tune up. You’ll look better, but more importantly you’ll perform better and prevent breaking down.

The core of a good core comes from little movement. Seriously, you barely need to move. Just hold one position and get results. Sounds easy, huh? Well... it’s not. I’m talking planks! Yikes. This one position can do wonders for your middle. It engages all of the key players, challenging your entire belly, back, shoulders & booty", she states. As Women's Health Next Fitness Star finalist, she has all the insights on living a life dedicated to fitness and getting to the core of the core.

She states that the core of a good core comes from little movement. "Seriously, you barely need to move. Just hold one position and get results. Sounds easy, huh? Well... it’s not. I’m talking planks! Yikes. This one position can do wonders for your middle. It engages all of the key players, challenging your entire belly, back, shoulders & booty.

There are always “right” and “wrong” ways to do things and a plank is no different. Try to form a straight line without drooping the lower back down or pushing that booty up. You can plank on your elbows or up on your hands. Do whatever allows you to have the best form. Then hold... and hold... and hold. Push yourself, time yourself and keep going."

Elyse shares some of her favorite advanced plank variaitions:

  • Plank Booty Lifts: Get into a plank, now lift your booty to the sky making an upside down V. Lift and lower.
  • Side Plank Lifts: Get into a side plank - From a side plank position, slightly lift and lower the top hip.
  • Plank Rocks: While in a plank, rock front and back with your toes.
  • Ball Plank Hold: Place your elbows wide on an exercise ball. Get into a plank. Balance, tighten and hold.

What do you think? With all of these exercises you'll take the center stage! Remember to focus on keeping that core right and firm. Hard work pays well!



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